Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Intro to My Blog

     When your friends are not good enough to beat you at your favorite video game it is time to consider competitive gaming. Competitive gaming, defined through a Google search, is "is a term for organized video game competitions, especially between professionals". It is a different experience from just playing Super Mario (a more fulfilling experience if you ask me). In the competitive scene winning and losing matters, sweat and tears arise, and legends are born. You get to play the best of the best at your favorite games and win tournaments to prove that you deserve to be considered the best. This blog will teach you how to get into the gaming scene, give you insight to become better, and what it takes to be a professional gamer. This will be coming from my experiences as a professional gamer ranging from Yu-Gi-Oh the card game to Super Smash Bros. Read future entries in order to learn more of the fascinating world that comes from gaming. You will be winning tournaments in no time with the right dedication.


  1. Jonathan,
    Interesting topic! I am the only girl in my family, so I grew up playing well forced to play video games with my guy cousins. I have to say I grew up still playing but of course not to the level to what you play. I have to say though that Super Smash Bros. is one of my favorite games to play, so I might need tips on how to get a bit better and finally win my very competitive cousins! Look forward to reading your upcoming blogs!

    1. I'll make sure to put more stuff about Super Smash Bros. because it is my favorite game :)
